Welcome to the Boot Up! Project

Welcome to Boot Up! Outdoor Learning with Falmouth Forest School

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to our blog

Since our last entry in 2013, Boot Up! Outdoor Learning has gone through some major changes but despite all that we are STILL HERE!!!!

In 2014 Falmouth University ceased funding the Boot Up! Project and the transfer was made setting up a Social Enterprise and Boot Up! Outdoor Learning became a Community Interest Company with charitable intent, run by the previous project leaders Jane and Hannah Atkinson. 

Since July 2014 we have made great strides and improvements and our core activity of providing outdoor learning to vulnerable children in Cornwall is still at the heart of what we do. 

We have also set up a new part as Falmouth Forest School detaching the public facing activities away from that of our education offer at Boot Up! and under that banner we have brought on line Kids' Parties, Nature's Playground Saturday Club, WILDside Youth Club, and training in L3 Forest School Leadership. 

Nature's Playground Saturday Club

New Yurt 2016

We hope to keep you updated with all the good things that are happening at Boot Up! through our blog and website so WATCH THIS SPACE!