Welcome to the Boot Up! Project

Welcome to Boot Up! Outdoor Learning with Falmouth Forest School

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Super Cabbage aka Purple sprouting Brocolli

We have waited all winter in trepidation as to the real identity of 'super cabbage', keeping it as a 'show veg', in hope it would blossom, and he has now shown his colours as purple sprouting broccoli! Hurray! One of my favourite veg :)

Poly-tunnel Planting Plan 2011 (what a mouth full!)

Finally our new planting plan for this year is ready!Researching different techniques we have decided to try and follow a crop-rotation system, companion planting where possible. We also want to focus as much as possible on salads and obviously those plants which like it hot in the Poly tunnel.

We have removed the remnants of last years crops, dug in compost and manure and reinstated the hose-pipe watering system. The seeds are poking through the soil in their trays in the lower poly and pretty soon we'll plant them out here and in the main allotment site.

Spring is here!