Welcome to the Boot Up! Project

Welcome to Boot Up! Outdoor Learning with Falmouth Forest School

Friday, 18 December 2009

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

A few moments of exploring

3 of us there today. A new friend (making a fantastic composter)
Discussion about changing winters in Finland, polar bears, distance from nature, community, and a collaborative profound belief in this project.

2 try to decide what to do today. Do we do or make or be?
Decided to explore. Time to feel the place. See what's happening, what else is there, how do we fit in? Or are we in already? Working together...
The manicured versus the wild
The structured versus the freedom of nature.

The edges of our land- no man's land in a way: occupied by rabbits, robins, insects, so many plants, so much other.
But it is not really 'other'; it is us too. Rabbit droppings in the strimmed grass. Robins in poly tunnels, wasp buzzing about looking to hibernate. Them and us? watching each other? or is it just us watching them? Do they have a sense of otherness? Or is that just us?

Time to explore becomes as equally productive as pruning.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

digging companion

I'm digging the far end of the polytunnel starting at the edge that runs alongside 'windfall' path on the outside discovering brambles that have crept in and rooted themselves deeply into the rich, moist soil. I've spotted a robin spotting me. Sure enough, as soon as I'm taking a break he is in and recovering worms that I've unearthed. Now he's perched on the sprinkler pipe, singing.